Services for non-lawyers

Here are some ways non-lawyers can benefit from our services.

Legal Services

Services for non-lawyers

Lawyers have the combination of specialized training and essential experience that uniquely qualifies them to provide legal advice. It should come as no surprise that we strongly encourage anyone with any questions whatsoever about their legal rights and responsibilities to consult a lawyer before signing a legal document or participating in any legal process. Those who take shortcuts to try to avoid paying for legal advice often end up wishing that they had not tried to cut so many corners.

Typically, we deal with lawyers who need to use our services on behalf of their clients. However, there are still some situations where a person might want to deal with us directly. For example, the small claims court process is designed to allow people to resolve disputes involving relatively small sums of money without needing to be represented by a lawyer. As another example, sometimes people who have separated on relatively good terms are able to work out all the details of their divorce among themselves and decide to apply for what is often called an uncontested or desktop divorce without legal representation.

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